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Classification and How To Choose The Right Table Tennis Racket

Table tennis is a sport that many people love.

It is a sport for health and combination of the senses, training agility and ability to defend, attack based on the opponent’s judgment.

Join us to learn about ping pong racquets, how to classify and choose the suitable table tennis rackets to play this sport easily.

Table tennis sport was born in Europe and spread to the world.

With that long history of development, table tennis is loved worldwide, even in Southeast Asia.

Although there are hundreds of loved and chosen sports, table tennis has never lost its position.

1. How many types of table tennis paddles are there?

Table tennis racquets have many types but are divided according to table tennis core and ping pong rubber.

1.1 According to table tennis core:

  • OFF: Offensive: hardest, intended for an attack
  • ALL: Allround: quite soft, comprehensive, good attack and defense
  • DEF: Softest, the defense only.

1.2 According to the structure of table tennis rubber:

  • Inverted: smooth sponge with high spinnability. This is a popular sponge suitable for both defensive and offensive play.
  • Short pips: Short pips are actually smooth sponges but are turned upside down to create a surface with many nodules. This sponge creates a spin but gives the player a strong response.
  • Long pips: The long spike has the same structure as the one above but has a higher surface that reverses the ball’s spin.

2. How to choose a good table tennis paddle?

Usually, people will choose table tennis racquets in 3 ways:

2.1 Choose according to the purpose of play:

If you are playing for simply fun, choose a paddle pre-installed.

If you are new to playing or playing defense, choose a low-speed type to control the ball well and become familiar with table tennis techniques.

If you love to play attacking style or want to practice agility, you can choose a lightweight, high-speed racket to create strong, swirling shots that overwhelm the opponent.

Suppose the player has a hobby or habit of holding a racquet vertically or horizontally. In that case, you should pay attention to choosing the table tennis racket that suits your taste and condition.

2.2. Choose according to table tennis racket core:

  • OFF: Offensive for offensive
  • ALL: Allround, attack and defense are good
  • DEF: defense only
Classification and how to choose the right table tennis racket

OFF is hardest, ALL is softer, and DEF is softest. When starting to play, you should choose a low speed, high control blade (DEF) and switch to higher speed blades.

2.3. Choose according to table tennis rubber

As the ping pong blade, the rubber of the table tennis racket is also available in a variety of different types of sponges.

  • Inverted: If you are a novice, you do not want to think much, you should choose this type because it is suitable for both defensive and offensive playstyle.
  • Short pips: If you are familiar with basic table tennis techniques and prefer to strike with powerful swirls and counter-attacks, then this one is very suitable for you.
  • Long pips: If you want to challenge more, make it difficult for the opponent with very swirling attacks, then this is your rubber.


3. Instructions for using and storing the racket safely

  • Careful care after playing
  • Do not arbitrarily throw it around or let hard, heavy objects weigh on it to damage or deform the racquet.
  • Please do not use chemicals or complex objects to rub them
  • Avoid strong impact
  • Store in the bag carefully after playing
  • Do not store in hot or high-temperature places.

Further Reading:

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