What food makes you fat? Is it the high-fat, low-carbohydrate type? Or, is it the refined, processed, high sugar content of food? If you’re not sure what food makes you fat, then ask yourself: When was the last time you really enjoyed eating your food? And when did you eat this particular healthy food for your body type?
The answer to the question, what food makes you fat? is simple. All too often, we’ve gotten away from real, healthy, real foods and turned to junk food, or processed, low nutritional food. This is the wrong type of food for our bodies. What food makes you fat? This food actually makes you gain weight and keep it on.
It turns out that the human body has two types of fat cells. One type of fat cell exists within each and every organ in your body. The second type of fat cell exists just outside of all other cells in your body. These fat cells have a job to do: they maintain your body’s temperature at all times.
Your second cell (the one you don’t see) is what determines how much weight you gain each day. When you eat food, the enzymes in that food to break it down into its basic ingredients (calories) and send signals to these fat cells.
When the fat cells receive the calories they need, they convert them to stored energy. This stored energy is then converted into a different form and used to heat up the room or to make you jump up and down. That’s your calories, and if you don’t eat them soon, then they will turn to fat and put on some serious weight.
So the question “what food makes you fat?” must be asked first. If you eat foods that make you fat, then you are going to gain weight no matter what you do. The only exception is if you eat one or two types of food that don’t contribute to your weight problem, like vegetables and lean meats.
So what food makes you fat? Junk food. If you want to lose some weight, then you should start by cutting back on junk food. Once you do that, you can begin to include more healthy foods that will contribute to good health. That’s the secret to what food makes you fat! It’s actually quite simple once you get started on a healthy diet.